TestimonialsWhat others are saying about Craig


In very difficult fiscal year for our district and having suffered the tragic loss of five students to car accidents, I was bound and determined to provide a motivational kick off to the school year. Craig came into the district and within an hour had provided a message to the faculty that had them buzzing with excitement and a can do attitude.
-William Clark, Superintendent, Warren County School District

Craigs’ message is one of perseverance and persistence, of staying positive and refusing to let what others think dictate what you can and cannot do, and of finding the beauty and humor in each day regardless of one’s circumstances. Our middle school students left the presentation inspired and strengthened, and I believe strongly that it was exactly what they needed to hear.
-Nate Frank, Ph.D., Principal, Elizabethtown Area Middle School

Craig completely changed my view of life. I've never been the happiest of kids and have always felt that life was just one struggle after another. Today after hearing Craig speak, I had a total change of heart and mind. He inspired me to take control of my own situations and define my potential as a person. Craig will always be a great inspiration to me and I will never forget what he has taught me.
-High School Student

Craig spoke at our high school to a mixed group of 500 upper elementary, middle, and high school students. With very little input from me, he exceeded every criterion of an exceptional motivational presenter as well as that for our traditional Academic Assembly speaker. Speaking for one full hour, he successfully held the attention of the diverse audience and reached the students at all levels with his genuine story, humor, and unbelievable philosophy about life’s challenges.
-Sandra Florig, Headmaster, Elk County Catholic High School

My Middle School had the pleasure of hearing Craig Dietz’s life story; his struggles, his ups, his downs, the many challenges he has faced, and how adversity has shaped who he is today. Craig’s passion for life and drive to succeed is a true lesson for us all. As I watched my seventh grade students listening to him speak, I could see hope in their eyes that they too can be successful no matter what they may be faced with in life. Craig is a true hero. A man that reminds us that life is too short to let challenges get in the way of our passions, hopes, and dreams.
-Leah Specht, Teacher, Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School, Dubuque, IA

Middle School students have precise radar for both “preachy” and “phony” messages and messengers. Craig Dietz spoke for over an hour and was genuine, engaging, inspirational and helpful. We will be using his words of advice for our kids: “measure you against the best you” to motivate effort and achievement in our classrooms, hallways and co-curricular settings.
-Jim Wortman, Principal, St. Marys Area Middle School